Monday, October 29, 2007

shoot at the stock market

I will now begin to analyze exactly how to make millions and millions of dollars utilizing combinations of neuroeconomics, sound market strategy, and technical analysis bulls**t to pull in dough above and beyond the benchmark of the S&P. Additionally, I will do it using only my brains, current trashy stock market books, and spare free time. To make things even more interesting, I will assume people do not have time or the ability to trade stocks at work, given firewalls etc. Therefore, all trading, investing, and research will be done only in the wee hours when the brain is digesting the news fromthe day.

Let me assure you, I have ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE, CREDENTIALS, OR KNOWLEDGE of the market, so follow this at you own risk. But, if I can do it, anyone can. Things will be a bit chaotic to begin, but I hope to find a path to riches. Hopefully, anyone who joins me in this quest can do the same (or at least not fall into the "trading trap" as I like to call it).

The first step, start with a few books, analyze them in turn, put in some opionions etc..., and perhaps use their advice.

The second step will be to start with $5,000, and begin to invest. I plan to report on how I am doing, and each step of the way will post the current amount of my holdings. That way, you can see if I make money, or lose it all. :(

The third step is of course, early retirement.

-The Shotgun Investor

1 comment:

Rima said...

Hey, Mr. Shotgun. I hope you make those 5 Gs into FIVE MILLION Gs and buy your wife some bling-bling.